The research results that point to how less noise in our lives helps increase quality of life and decrease cost.

About this Episode
Most of us live lives surrounded by noise. In this episode we take a close look at why it matters to know how noise hurts our quality of lives. Dr. Arline Bronzaft brings a research based approach to the discussion.
September 12, 2019 - This episode was featured in Silencity. See the feature here.
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Link: Get a copy of the lesson worksheet that accompanies the children's book listen to the raindrops.

Mentioned in this Episode
About Dr. Arline Bronzaft
Dr. Arline Bronzaft is a researcher, writer, and consultant on the adverse effects of noise on mental and physical health. She is co-author of “Why Noise Matters,” author of “Listen to the Raindrops” (children’s book illustrated by Steven Parton), and has written extensively about noise in books, encyclopedias, academic journals, and the popular press. In addition, she is a Professor Emerita of the City University of New York and Board member of GrowNYC.
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