The 4th Lindbergh Innovation Forum and Urban Air Mobility panel.

About this Episode
We just returned from a week at Oshkosh AirVenture. This is part two of our recap. To view part one, go to:
Follow along with these images as you listen to this episode.
Photos by John Slemp of Aerographs

Mentioned in this Episode
Ed Waggoner, Director, Integrated Aviation Systems Program, NASA - Supersonics videos
Bruce Holmes, VP Digital Aviation, SmartSky Networks. Director Alaka'i Technologies
Zero Carbon Flight
Lance Air SATS Program HITS (Highway in the sky) from the 1990's
Oshkosh AirVenture crazy weather and team effort to find spots for the campers.
Craig Hoover, Advanced Tech & Hybrid-Electric Pursuits Leader, GE Aviation